Become an Alumni Association Member

Join the Nevada Area Council Scouting Alumni Association today as a member! Membership is offered at no cost. You’ll get invitations to alumni events and activities along with the Council’s Newsletter that will keep you informed about Scouting. 

All who benefited from the Scouting movement are considered alumni. That means whether you are an individual who participated as a youth or an adult or were a third-party recipient of Scouting’s good work, you are welcome to join.

The Scouting Alumni Association is a great way to connect with what’s happening at the Boy Scouts and Nevada Council. It’s also your chance to help more youth experience the excitement, challenges, and adventure that Scouting has to offer.

Reconnect with the:

  • Friends of your youth.
  • Organization where you developed as a team member and leader.
  • Values and fun of Scouting.

Remember the:

  • Smell of wood smoke and the crackling of a campfire.
  • Hot days at a camp waterfront and the refreshing water of the lake.
  • Achievement of earning your next Scout rank advancement.

Rekindle your:

  • Scouting skills developed as a young Scout.
  • Scouting spirit by giving back to the organization that impacted your life.
  • Energy by helping build new opportunities for today’s Scouts.

Reinvest your:

  • Expertise by enhancing Scout programs as a volunteer for our youth.
  • Passion for Scouting by being a “champion” for the BSA.
  • Resources to supporting Scouting today and in the future.

Learn more and sign up by filling out this form.

Nevada Area Council Alumni Association

Thank you for your interest in joining the NAC Alumni Association. Help your council with your special skills by volunteering to help however you can. Give back to the organization that gave you those hard won skills.

If the council had an event we needed volunteers for, could you help?(Required)
Tell us about your interest(s) in Serving the NAC Alumni. (Check all that apply)
Scouting Affiliation (Check all that apply)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


If you can’t volunteer, consider Donating to the Nevada Area Council to help support local Scouting!